搜索 Licker

  • 喜剧片喜剧
    丹麦第一神(经)编剧安诺斯托马斯延森和美剧《汉尼拔》扮演者麦斯米科尔森早期电影,两人05年合拍神片《亚当的苹果》 还合作过好多黑色喜剧,本片讲四个黑帮分子偷老大的巨款开餐馆且各自回忆童年,充满荒诞和丹麦式冷幽默,结局(看起来)相当治愈,世纪之交的北欧出了好多黑色喜剧,当时丹麦第一神(经)编剧的功力已现端倪,那时麥叔还没成…
  • 男主角ゴウ(泽田)是一个一心痴迷电影、无心顾及家庭的人,年轻时的他(菅田将暉 饰)曾经想成为导演,于是去到剧组干起副导演的活。他当时爱上了在食堂工作的女孩淑子(永野芽郁 饰),还跟放映师テラシン(野田洋次郎 饰)对电影的话题交流甚欢。当ゴウ终于等到了拍电影的机会时,一场事故让电影化为泡影。半个世纪过去后,当初的剧本再次出…
  • 根据1983年的同名电影改编,故事讲述一对崭新的80年代电影原声带,一对来自不同背景的年轻恋人无视父母和朋友在一起。
  • Julie, a girl from the valley, meets Randy, a punk from the city. They are from different worlds and find love. Somehow they need to stay together in spite of her trendy, shallow friends.
  • Ed is framed for murder when enemies from his past resurface. Danny and Mike secretly intervene to investigate and take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile, Sam, Nessa, Mary and Delinda desperately attempt to find tenants for their new joint-purchased home, settling on what they think to be the perfect tenants, onl…
  • Ed is framed for murder when enemies from his past resurface. Danny and Mike secretly intervene to investigate and take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile, Sam, Nessa, Mary and Delinda desperately attempt to find tenants for their new joint-purchas
  • Ed is framed for murder when enemies from his past resurface. Danny and Mike secretly intervene to investigate and take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile, Sam, Nessa, Mary and Delinda desperately attempt to find tenants for their new joint-purchased home, settling on what they think to be the perfect tenants, onl…
  • 李翰祥,香港著名导演。生于辽宁,长在北平,师从徐悲鸿。战乱年代辗转来至香港,几经波折成为导演,此后数十年间经历人生起伏,佳作迭出,却也饱受诟病。一晃三十年,这位大导演将从影以来遇见听说的乐事拍成电影。比如拍摄《白蛇传》时,法海与女演员在轿中偷欢,被剧组抓包;爱迟到的大明星引起全剧组的愤慨,结果遭到了戏弄;女演员掉威亚摔…
  • 洪成功(洪金宝 饰)是公司里的销售员,因为工作压力巨大,洪成功常常要在下班之后去看心理医生,公司里还有一位名叫郑玲玲(郑裕玲 饰)的销售员,洪成功看不惯她的趾高气昂已久,于是决定和她一决高下。公司里来了一位大客户,想要订购五十台电话,洪成功和郑玲玲双双出击,最终,洪成功拿下了这笔订单。   晚上,为了庆祝事业上的成功,洪…
  • Tom在一次和朋友的行窃时爱上了住在公寓的历史讲师Lars,之后Tom开始秘密关注Lars的一举一动,甚至偷偷溜进对方的公寓寻找Lars的味道。与此同时,一位神秘摩托车手的出现让Tom陷入了情欲的迷宫…