搜索 Scheller

  • The nightmare was about a demonic possession. A long time ago, there was an evil in a small town and it was jealous of the girl and would never let her go, since the devil loved the girl. One night, the evil raped the girl and she became pregnant. After months the girl could not hide her baby, her father figured her se…
  • 兀琪•奥伯迈耶(Natalia Avelon 饰),六十年代德国一个狂野和自由的灵魂。因为无法忍受家中保守和压抑的环境,她和好友萨比那(Friederike Kempter 饰)离开家乡,来到柏林,并加入了倡导裸体主义和性解放的第一公社。兀琪余公社内的海因纳(Matthias Schweighöfer 饰)相恋、分手,旋即又以模特身份进军柏林时尚界。在此之后,兀琪又与探险…
  • 丽姿与梅丽是挚友,自1959年从学校毕业后各奔东西,各自事业也都起起伏伏。丽姿酷爱写作,连续多部作品受到公众肯定,文坛地位平步青云;梅丽在嫁了曾与丽姿有过恋情的同学道格后也开始尝试写作,身居加州马里布的她有很多机会与上流社会的好莱坞明星交际,她用细腻的笔触记录下了与明星交谈的故事。在丽姿文思枯竭而又因宣传过激政治思想而被列…